Info and Things

Hi! My name is Joey, but I go by either "King Dingus III" or "RCDGAMES." throughout the web. I'm a game dev and pixel artist who occasionally makes industrial themed tiles, pixel guns, or weird images to pass the time. I'm also known, but not vastly, as the guy who's making Crimson the Mouse; a platform shooter inspired by the likes of DOOM, Jazz Jackrabbit, Sonic the Hedgehog, and many others. I've also made a few other games in the past that I've posted on Gamejolt, but those were when I was in high school, so I wouldn't expect too much quality from there. After high school, I went through a 4 year hiatus until I started to post downloads and updates for Crimson. From then, I started to get a slight traction of an audience, albeit very small. As I'm writing this, I hope to make more friends along the way, and to expand my community even further!

So with all that said, here's a gallery of my work! I'll try to keep this updated. Enjoy :)

And now for the funny

And that's all I've got for now. If you'd like to keep up to date with my works other than coming back to this site every week, be sure to either subscribe to my Youtube channel, or join my Discord server. I'm the most active on Discord.